Monday, November 17, 2014

Individual post #1

        At the beginning of Manteca, I was confused on what was going on in the play.  While I continued reading, I looked for themes and meanings of the play.  I came to realize the themes were the struggle for survival and the lack of food in Cuba.  Once I figured out the food theme, I used my knowledge of Spanish and recalled that Dulce, the name of the sister, means candy or sweet.  Therefore, I thought that the other characters names might refer to food, so I looked them up.  I found the few definitions Merriam-Webster Spanish Central website, Pucho meant waste or residue, or youngest child, and Celestino can mean heavenly.  I do not know if these have any meaning, but I will keep them in mind while I analyze the play throughout this project. I thought the end of the play was odd because they kept talking about qualities they wanted in the new pig they were going to buy, but I realized the qualities other than the pigs feet were probably important to supply them food.

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