Monday, December 1, 2014

Group Post #3

1. The time period I plan to research is the Special Period in Cuba during the 1990s.  This makes the beginning of the changes in the economic model that gives the survival of socialism. It started with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.  This meant that the Soviet Union would no longer exchange oil with Cuba, this is reflected by Dulce saying, “The real problem isn’t with the Americans but because we never had dinosaur.  See, without dinosaurs there’s no petroleum”.  Cuba was dependent on the Soviet Union for oil and food, so the collapse left Cuba is disarray because they were entirely dependent on the fuel to operate their society.  This lead to many shortages, such as the shortage of food reflected in Manteca.  Cuba could not reach out for help because America had an embargo on Cuba.
2.  The social event that is happening at the time this play was written was the difficulty of getting food.  This has always been a problem for Cuba, but increased during the special period because they could not receive or send anything to the Soviet Union.
3.  Fidel Castro was in power in Cuba during the Special period, whom had been in power since 1959 after overthrowing Batista.
4. The playwright is responding to the historical moment, the Special period, which was occurring at this time.  The difference between responding to historical moments and calling for a change in history is that calling for change want actions while responding wants people to be aware about a situation.  I believe he is responding to the historical moment because he does not give any ways for his readers or watchers to change things, he is simply showing how people live and the struggle in Cuba.
5. MLA citations of the information I found
Bobes, Velia Cecilia. "Cuban Civil Society During And Beyond The Special Period." International Journal Of Cuban Studies 5.2 (2013): 168-183. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
González, Miguelangel, and Steve Tammelleo. The Cuban Special Period : The Beginning Of Readjustment And Cultural Transformation  n.p.: 2012., 2012. I-Share Catalog - CARLI. Web. 29 Nov. 2014.

Hernandez-Reguant, Ariana. Cuba In The Special Period [Electronic Resource] : Culture And Ideology In The 1990S. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Milner Library Web. 29 Nov. 2014.

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